Six intense and fulfilling hours of clear Spiritual guidance to clarify your Soul’s map and plan your Spiritual and material goals. VIP day includes two follow-up calls.

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After a whole year later I can honestly say I know so much more about myself than I did at the start. Thank you so much for your wisdom and guidance.

La Nee.
Sttutgart, Germany

I began my journey with Beth, over 1 year ago. Her guidance and mentorship is helping me develop knowledge of my spiritual gifts as well as what has held me back. She is creating a community where there is freedom to discover yourself with safety and protection. She gives guidance based on her years of knowledge of different manifestation methods including astrology and other divination. Taking her courses is not only an investment in yourself but also an investment in the others that you are charged to impact in your lifetime. Please do us all a favor and see if her guidance is for you.

Alexis Douglas.
Sttutgart, Germany

The Way of the High Priestess is here for the development of your soul, truly! Azyabeth will help you from the ground level to build a strong foundation for your life to grow in beautiful and unexpected ways through dedicated Spiritual practice.

Lola E.
Sttutgart, Germany

Thank you for all the knowledge and kindness and helping me connect with myself. I highly recommend it!

Talita Gouveia.
Sttutgart, Germany