One on One Coaching

We work with clients one on one via a year-long individual personalized coaching program. We will meet a number of agreed times monthly. This is a 1-year commitment, so if you are ready to become your ideal self, this is for you. In order to know if we are a good fit (and so I can understand your Spiritual and material goals) a discovery call is necessary to get started.

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Thank you for all the knowledge and kindness and helping me connect with myself. I highly recommend it!

Talita Gouveia.
Sttutgart, Germany

After this course I can honestly say I know so much more about myself than I did at the start.

Sttutgart, Germany

I highly appreciate not only the services, but also the beautiful human being that serves for our wellbeing. Thank you, High Priestess for everything! You have facilitated major changes in my life and I am...and will be grateful and honoured.

Alexandru Cosmin Stoia
Sttutgart, Germany

I am keeping these experiences close in my mind so I am reminded why I stay in alignment with my practice! I’m blessed to know you and everyone in our group! Blessings.

Sttutgart, Germany